The Heavens Speak

The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.

Psalms 19:1

This verse has been a favourite of many who recognise God’s creatorship. The vastness of space “declares” His power and sovereign control over all and calls us to worship Him as not only Creator but Savior as well. But in what ways do the heavens speak?

The orderly progression of day and night reminds us of God’s purpose in creating the heavenly bodies, that they should be “signs” for us to aid in telling time and the passage of time . The sun’s light energises Earth’s processes. From photosynthesis to tidal and atmospheric movements, the Creator can be recognised as the great Provider.

The “line” mentioned in Psalm 19:4 is of a true and accurate surveyor’s line. It represents an absolute standard by which our conduct is measured. Just as surely as an Earth-encircling line demarcates light and darkness, so God’s nature of holiness measures and evaluates our behaviour.

The light of the sun extends outward in all directions, not just toward Earth. Light generates heat, thus “there is nothing hidden from its heat” (v. 6). This life-sustaining light can be compared to a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, anxious to receive his bride, and a strong athlete ready to claim the championship (v. 5). In a similar mode, God delights in supplying every need of His children. He is near and ever-powerful. We can ask Him for anything at any time, He truly loves us that much.

From this poetic rehearsal of some of God’s immutable attributes, we can learn much of both His nature and our relationship to Him. While Psalm 19 does not teach in a didactic fashion, it can blaze our spirits and motivate us to draw nearer to Him.

The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. May the Lord lead us to a closer walk with him even as we ponder on all His creation and marvel at its beauty.

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